Sunday, November 5, 2017

Lunch when you're in a bit of a rush, and dinner when you're not

Lunch was a sort of scratch affair today, and I ended up having a sort of invented thing

Two eggs, mixed thoroughly with a broken up wholewheat hot biscuit, swoosh of baharat, seasalt, torn up bits of ham, done in a castiron pan in a little swipe of olive oil.

Dinner was a bit more leisurely, four chicken thighs, enough for several meals, pounded in a bag with flour, curry powder, Bill Veach's no. 2 powder, to be exact, salt, then roasted at 400 for 45 minutes with a few halved Roma plum tomatoes.  Parmigian rind piece on top of each chicken thigh. 

I spooned out a lot of juice at about 30 minutes, then put it back in to brown up a bit more.

The cheese rinds can be reused in soup, ad infinitum. Their work here is done.  The juice is in the fridge, and I'll skim off the fat and use any good flavored liquid left for soup.

This will make a couple of meals, one of them with pasta and carrot pesto, which I made yesterday. Also saved the pesto water for soup.

Now for a nice glass of red wine and some of that chicken and tomato.

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