Saturday, November 4, 2017

Breakfast for one, you're worth it

I usually wake hungry, but not at all eager to start cooking, shuffling about remembering what day it is, tripping on cats demanding their rights, and breakfast is simple.

But it's always cooked, since I just like to start the day that way. Even in my busiest years, working all the hours, family, all that, I still did.

Today it's homebaked wholewheat bread, broken up into sizzling olive oil in a little castiron pan, a farm egg broken over, short cooking, then turn the whole contraption over.  

At that point the heat is turned off, since cast iron goes on cooking while you look for the teapot and the cup, and get some milk organized for the other morning requirement.  Modom's tray.

And there it is.  Maybe five minutes tops, add in a minute for the kettle to boil. The best tea requires a wildly boiling, screaming kettle, to brew right.

Nice start to the day.

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