Thursday, October 19, 2017

Field and Fen out and about with the herb gardeners

Today was the herb workshop, at Windrows, of the Delaware Valley Unit of the Herb Society of America.  It's a national organization of friendly people interested in growing and studying herbs, and if you want to know more, go here

Meanwhile, this group had a wonderful day, with lectures on Salt, history and use with herbs, and Liqueurs, how to make and enjoy them.  Both lecturers shared generously, and we came away with recipes, samples, and a lot more more knowledge than we started with!

Here you see them setting up

and after a morning's learning and sampling, we had a great lunch which featured not only herbs mentioned in the morning's doings, but a special dessert, recipe from the organizer's mother, from long ago, which the chef obligingly made for us!  

And I enclose the recipe, in the spirit of sharing.  It's complete with Biblical references, too.  The lunches at Windrows events are legendary, and I'm always sorry I don't have a bigger appetite..desserts included a lemon cake, cannoli, petit fours, fresh fruit, as well as the Biblical cake.

After lunch we repaired, since it was a wonderful sunny day, to the community garden, to see both the medicinal herb garden, and the Biblical herb garden. 

 Helen, the lady whose mother made the cake, organized and got people to help design and plant this garden, with herbs mentioned in the Bible, labeled, and flourishing.  She's posed by popular demand, in the middle of the Biblical garden, her chef d'oeuvre.

The medicinals are an ancient use of herbs, good to see them growing dramatically.  

The gardening residents at Windrows, some of whom are in the herb society, count retired botanists and professional plantsmen in their numbers, so these gardens are in good hands. You'll notice the high fence, since this is deer country, and there would not be a lot to look at if the gate were left open.  And the greenhouse is for the winter use of residents with pot plants which can't survive the winter out of doors.

This was the group I presented the drawing workshop to last year, so it was a reunion, too, great fun to see them again.

Then home, instant nap, and afterwards a walk to balance the lunch, and I saw crowds of butterflies out.  

Buckeyes, which I usually have to go to the Preserve to see, right there on the street.  

And this mysterious double winged one, maybe moth, maybe butterfly, if anyone can identify, please do.  I have not been able to.

Speaking of identification, the herb enthusiasts are great at sharing mystery pictures and getting them id'd.  At my lunch table was one of the young professionals from the rose garden at a famous local park, who knows a lot more than roses, though she was interesting on that point.  She identified a mystery flower another member had on her phone and has been carrying around to find out more.  

She's from Minneapolis, where she sadly left her garden, but since her job is keeping her so busy, she's not missing it too much yet. Good day, with old friends, new friends.  Kindred spirits!

Home with the information, recipes, interesting materials from the day.  

And my name tag had a live little herb flower on it!  this sums up the herb group so well.  Love of herbs, attention to detail, nothing overlooked.

1 comment:

  1. Just to prove my point about generous gardeners and identification, I got an email from a former member of the group, now living far away, about my home butterfly pix.

    He pointed out that the first is a painted lady, and I realized I'd loaded the wrong image, some loading problems in the course of this post. The buckeye is still in my files. The other is a skipper, halfway between moth and butterfly. This is very cool! Always like to get things right.


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