Friday, August 2, 2019

Scones for tea

Lemon curd tarts didn't happen today for various reasons largely having to do with needing to piece, and not feeling pestered to rub butter into flour and all that. Maybe tomorrow.

Meanwhile here's my substitute. Scones with walnuts and chocolate kisses, lemon curd hovering helpfully like Jeeves, ready to serve.

Excuse me now, have to go piece.


  1. Handsome Son liked the lemon curd, thought it was a lot of work for the result, would request it on special occasions only. Which is about my own verdict, taking the work into account.

  2. Agree about lemon curd being too work intensive. Nevertheless it cannot be replaced by boughten.
    Love your EPP and that you are finding it absorbing. I love that feeling when I find a project that I can't wait to get at. The pattern you are following looks quite complex...myself in days gone by I pretty well stuck to hexies.

    1. The epp pattern is like painting -- the further into the design you get, the harder it to complete, because more decisions. I may change some of the last bits before I stitch them. They don't go with the rest the way I thought.. woke up thinking about it.


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