Saturday, August 17, 2019

Pie run complete

One piece for afternoon tea, piecing in the background for now.

 Two pieces in the fridge. The rest wrapped and frozen for future reference. Probably next visit of Handsome Son.

The fact I thought I'd better freeze some indicates that this is seriously good, and needing restraint on my part.


  1. Fyi, one reason it's good is that I reduced the sugar to one quarter cup. That's about a third of the recipe. This way you can taste the fruit. And doing that reduction meant the pie was juicy but the bottom was intact and not awash. A big point since the peaches were totally ripe. Not juice running all over. Anyway very pleased. The pastry was okay, not brilliant but not complaining.

  2. It does indeed look good! Admire your restraint in freezer-ing that much of it.

  3. I do like to have a little something to go with afternoon tea, and this helps it last. A bit longer, not a lot.

  4. oh, now i want pie. I found one way that works for me, when I do bake a pie, is to prebake the bottom crust just to firm but not browned. Keeps the whole business of 'is the bottom done yet' to a minimum and is far less apt to be soggy.

    Mine would never make it to the freezer. This looks really, really good...

  5. It definitely is good. I rarely bake pie, but will bear your tip in mind next time. This recipe was supposed to use a glass piepan, don't have a round glass pan, used Corning Ware and I guess it worked like glass.

  6. I would have exactly zero restraint. I might make two things and freeze one, but I would certainly eat the unfrozen one for breakfast, lunch, and supper until it was All Gone. Yum.

    1. Your life is so much more physically demanding than mine, that I'm guessing you can afford to dispense with restraint! Me, not so much.


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