Friday, August 16, 2019

Post-it posse underway

I've been assigned millennials in a shore town to write to, with vbm paperwork, which I download and print out,encouraging post-it notes, and handwritten envelopes.

stamps, check,ow, envelopes, check, Post-It notes, check, forms downloaded and printed out for the appropriate county, check, instructions studied in case they changed since last time, check, printer cartridges ordered, ow, check.

We're officially under way. These millennials are registered voters, so they're already ahead of the game.

I'm one of many volunteers working with Action Together NJ on this push. We succeeded in making the blue wave in 2018, so we have to keep up the momentum, and not flag. There's a lot at stake.

And if you'd like to help, this volunteer on a modest fixed income would welcome a few $$ towards the cost.

If you can be active locally in getting out the vote, please do. And those readers in other countries -- your moral support is also welcome, never underestimate the value of an encouraging word.


  1. Yay for you (and your cohorts) - may this go nation-wide and do some good. Methinks Canada could take a page out of your book right now.

    1. Thank you! It's dull work, but vital. If I get even a few more people to vote, it's all worth it.


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