Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Merry Christmas, Cool Yule, y'all

This has been one of the lowest key Christmas seasons ever around here, which is saying something, since it's always low key, not being a shopper or a ritual keeper or anything of that kind.

But I've decided it's fine.  It's enough. Son happy, coming over tomorrow with cooked food to heat and eat, my wrist not yet up to food prep, nice cheerful fake fireplace thing going, no more lugging wood, and the ficus playing the part of Christmas tree again.  

On order is a lovely DVD of old Alec Guinness favorite movies for  winter watching pleasure.

The Dollivers are not pleased about the lack of attention to the Great Them, but they did get a look in at the tree pix, and will make a comeback soon, at least they threaten this.  Elton says even pianists get vacation time now, and he closed the lid and is sitting out the season.  And note the new frilly bear which has joined the company.

Good wishes to us all!  if you celebrate Christmas, have a merry one, if the Equinox is your time, enjoy, and all of us can look forward, at least in this hemisphere, to longer daylight.  The houseplants are already cheering up and putting out new leaves.


  1. Merry Christmas, Liz. Enjoy. My best to you and HS, and the Dollivers.

  2. Merry Christmas! Low key can be the best sometimes, especially when you are on the mend.

  3. A low key Christmas sounds wonderful - enjoy it, and time with HS.

  4. Low-key is just about my speed, and your plans sound perfect to me! I hope you have a lovely Christmas :)


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