Monday, December 15, 2014

Hippo Birdies to me!

Struggling back to health, and getting there.  But meanwhile, lovely birthday greetings from blogistas and neighbors and HS and here's what just arrived from sister dogonart, aka Irene:

 I'm blessed!


  1. hippo birdies to ewe, Liz, and many more of the same (well, not exactly the same, you dont want to have A Sickness every birthday now, do you...) --and what lovely flowers! just about the time of year we need all that color, too.

  2. Happy birthday Liz, have a great day. Hope you feel better soon, not fun being ill on your birthday

  3. The hippiest of birdies to you, Boud! And such lovely, lovely flowers! I find flowers so revitalizing, and I am certain they have adequate healing powers to nudge you right up to 100% again. Enjoy! :)

  4. Another chance to wish you a happy birth day! Lovely flowers from your sis too. Really do hope you're sufficiently 'weller' to be able to enjoy your day!

  5. Belated happy birthday! Hope you are well on the road to mending.

  6. Birthday greetings and well wishes Liz! :) Hope you are all better soon.


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