Finally the snow receded to where I could stumble around on the patio and see if any snowdrops had braved it all and there were three sticking up gallantly from the snow and ice, blooming away. More to come, but the total snowdrop garden is about eight flowers, so three is a representative number.
I love snowdrops, because they come through no matter what. Some years they bloom and fade all under the snow, but they seem not to care about that. And though Lucia in the Benson books despises them because they hang their heads (!) I love how you have to get up close and personal to see into their faces.
HP was thrilled with this sign of Spring that I set up in a little glass of water near him.
Meanwhile his flower requirements were being met by an orchid which blooms faithfully every year in the house.
According to the New York Times, this blog, or rather this form, is dying, speaking of coming through no matter what. They claim that Facebook and Twitter have taken over entirely. Hm. I don't THINK so! they eventually got to the point of realizing that blogs are for actual sharing of thoughts and ideas and questions and solutions, not for telling people we've just parked the car and now we're getting out and now we're crossing the parking lot, truly riveting information. I wonder if everyone's talking and nobody's listening to that sort of exciting stuff. But as they say, if you like that kind of thing, it's exactly the kind of thing you'd like..
Meanwhile, back at the blogstand, this one and its sister blog, Art, the Beautiful Metaphor, aren't going away any time soon. Oh, and our Field and Fen journals, talking about going on no matter what, are as follows: Nautilus is now in Alaska, next stop will be New Zealand, and Treasure Everywhere is in Vancouver, next stop the Bay Area. These journals have crisscrossed geography and lives, some in struggling mode, some frantically busy but with good stuff, all willing to take a shot at the journal. The journals got separated in the course of traveling, but that's fine, they'll get there! and thank you to everyone who has taken part already and to those patiently waiting their turn!
I have a horror of both Facebook and Twitter and refuse to even entertain the thought. I signed up for facebook once and promptly backed out of it when I realized how invasive it could be. Blogging suits me JUST fine! Envy your snowdrops - too much snow here for them to even consider blooming.
ReplyDeleteOh nooooo, if you have snowdrops blooming that means that autumn is on the way over here. I appreciate your and HP's sentiments regarding flowers. I love them in the garden and miss the few I have in the winter.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the heads-up on the journal. I was beginning to wonder if I had been left out somehow. I'm really looking forward to seeing what everyone has done.
As for FB - yes can be very invasive and full of inane c*%p that I have no interest in but it's also very good for keeping up with what the family are doing in far-flung corners of the world. S'pose you can't have everything. There is definitely a place for blogs and I can assure you I will continue reading yours and the others I follow for a good long time yet.
I love, love this post, Liz. Echoes so many of my own thoughts and feelings. Twitter? Yuk. Horrid. FB? I do FB mainly to keep up with family & friends across the miles. It works for that. It's almost like "being there" the way I'm able to keep up with what is happening in their world and visa versa. Then ... when we *do* finally get together it's not with that awkward "getting-to-know-you" again waste of time. We're already connected. But I do try to be super careful -- and I'm still not convinced it's safe even with the "careful" factor.
ReplyDeleteSnowdrops. I so remember years ago in another forum how you spoke of them ... and wishing I had them here. Love everything about them plus the way you love them and share it.
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