Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Pizza today

The sure sign of a good home made pizza is -- no leftovers.

In case you fancy trying this at home, I used: Tibetan flatbread for the base. I cooked this completely -- it's easy, really easy, like about as complicated as making a sandwich, see it via Google -- because last time I tried this I thought if I partly cooked it then finished it in the oven with the toppings, that would work. It didn't really, because I had failed to realize that no home oven gets as hot as a pizza oven in a restaurant.

Anyway, this time I cooked it completely, this is done on top of the stove, while I made the toppings -- sliced black olives, sliced white mushrooms, sauteed in butter and olive oil until all the liquid was gone and they smelled wonderful, the sauce made of homemade basil/parsley pesto, made from home grown plants, I have to brag here, cut with some tomato paste and a bit of ketchup, warmed together to make a spreadable sauce, handful of shredded Mozzarella cheese.

On top of the bread came the sauce, then the olives then the mushrooms, then the cheese. Into a 450 oven, until it all looked good, then I whipped it out and served it. All gone in no time at all. Very good indeed. I will have to make two of these if HS wants lunch with us, because he would need some, too....

And the prep work, which was a lengthier affair than I expected, was okay, too, since the extra olives and mushrooms, cleaned and sliced, are now in the freezer for the next time I get inspired to make a pizza.

Very satisfying to make and to eat.

All this fuss about lunch, I ask you. It all goes to prove that deep down I'm shallow!


  1. basil and mushrooms....i'm in love!


  2. So, OK, we've now plumbed the depths of your shallowness....YUMM !!!!!

  3. Looks absolutely delicious. Can we make sure it's on the menu when I come to your house?



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