Sunday, November 22, 2009

Blogversary Number One! Happy Birthday, Field and Fen!

It's the first birthday of this blog, hard to believe, but there you are.

I originally started it as a celebration of the blogosphere and my entering into a new decade, and found as HP's health crisis developed, it became a wonderful transmission area for news to friends all over the place of one of the most difficult years in the life of the Adams clan.

It's worked to give me support I hadn't even dreamed of back then, and I am so glad for it.

But it's also been a big part of my art life, both as a visual artist and as a writer, and much more modestly, heh, as a musician (amateur music player, just about adequate).

I was out walking the Preserve yesterday, so I thought I'd give you a few pix. The steps lead down from one trail to another, and they're very steep-looking, no railings, designed by a tall man, I think -- too broad for me to go in one step, not broad enough to fit two steps onto, so they're hazardous.

But once you get down and look back, it doesn't look so hard at all.

Which struck me as an amazing metaphor for the last year, all in all! looked easier than it was to live, but we survived.

And the bench overlooks the lake at the preserve, at the top of the steps. I love to draw benches and chairs, very eloquent statements, particularly in late afternoon light.

And there was a great sunset over the supermarket (sounds like a Randall Jarrell title) so I thought I'd throw that in, too, for your viewing pleasure.

What do you think is an appropriate celebration for the one year annie of a blog? has that been defined yet, I wonder?


  1. Happy Anniversary, F&F!

    Love the pictures of the steps, Liz. Makes me think that a long ramble down at Colony Farm is in order. If it ever stops raining!


  2. love ALL of these photos!
    the lighting on the bench, and your composition, just wonderful!
    love the pair of step photos, and the sunset x2 is gawjuss.

    happy anniversary, F&F! long may ye wave! :O)


  3. Happy Blogversary, Field and Fen!!

    I'm so glad you took the plunge into the blogashpere, Liz! You make such wonderful successes at whatever you turn your hand and mind to do - and this is no exception!

    I love the images of the preserve trail steps - and the metaphor is so appropriate - the looking back after an arduous journey as well as the part about the tall man's step design not comfortably fitting your own stride. I wish you would include some of your bench/chair art ... I love to photograph them, too for the same reasons and could appreciate them, I'm sure. For example, I love this one - such sweet light and simple, sturdy lines.

    I've caught some of my most amazing sunset shots over the supermarket or (ick) Walmart parking lots! Seems that's where I happen to be all too often when they happen - so like you I grab all the pleasure from it I can get! Stunning skies here ...!!

    I hope you continue to grace us with Field and Fen for many more blogversaries, Liz!! :-)

  4. Happy First Birthday, Liz's Blog! ;)


  5. Has it really been one year? doesn't seem possible. Congrats on an elegant blog Liz. Love the pics. Take care and have a good Thanksgiving. Love to all.

  6. Happy Blogversary! I love your pictures and your turns of phrase. I may not always comment, but your blog always lifts me up!


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