Saturday, January 17, 2009

Caution: Artist at Work!


  1. Blogspot not happy tonight! she truncated my post into two posts, but hoooookay, now you can at least see it all....

  2. Ah, I see that Duncan has similar art goals as does Sam. Interesting clock, Liz. Tell me it doesn't have quarter chimes... er, quarter tweets!

  3. Love seeing where you work. Satisfies my nosiness without being rude. The only thing is I can't embiggen your pics to see the details...... Looking forward to book eventually. wowee...Handmade paper!

  4. The clock has an hourly bird when the bird battery is up. currently it's not up! it is light activated, though, so you don't get geese honking during the night...


Please read the comments before yours and see if your question is already answered! I've reluctantly deleted the anonymous option, because it was being abused.