Tuesday, January 15, 2019

RIP little simple phone

Yesterday, after a few days of losing its charge, my little old phone, simple, just texted and called, very low cost, failed to wake up.

I had resisted mightily the smartphone, since it did more than I need. The iPhone was a nonstarter, for various reasons having to do with its cultish aura. The Android smartphone had a shaky start, and I  was clinging to my old one.

But needs must, and after studying online, I went off and spent about three minutes buying a reasonably priced phone. I was only concerned  that it be the same low cost carrier, and was home and setting it up before I realized it was a smartphone! Oh well, it does work and it's an acceptable rate.

However it leaves me with a small dilemma: what to do with all the  dear departed's clothes? The little purses I'd knitted, spun and woven, beaded, crocheted, and used, to carry the phone with me at all times, as a safety measure.

Seen here, arranged like a tribute to a Pharaoh, are the items. So here's the question, since the new phone is way too big for them, what to do with them?

All suggestions entertained. Especially entertaining ones.


  1. Bird feeder ala Arne and Carlos;
    Mug carrier;
    Egg cozy;
    Tote bag for Dollivers;
    Hand warmers (stuffed with rice and heated in microwave).

    1. Some cool ideas! I should have noted that these purses are mostly about two by four. Inches, that is. I like the handwarmer idea particularly.

  2. I was going to suggest hand warmers too! Could they be opened up and made into mug rugs with a little bit of bias binding around to stop unraveling?

  3. Smallest mug here has a circumference of over 9". I think the geometry is against us. At best there would be inches of extra material to work in. Easier to make from scratch. If I create a pillow top from them, I bet A and C would approve. So that's a thought.

  4. a seekrit money purse in your regular purse.

    Or unravel them and repurpose them for something other.

    My condolences on your phone. It's hard to let go, but sometimes we have to.

  5. Thank you for the condolences. It's really a wrench. The little body is in a drawer. Seems so cold to let her go.

    Change purse is good. All these ideas are great.


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