Saturday, July 9, 2016

Heirloom tomatoes, burlap and migrating flowers 6WS

Today, despite tropical rainstorms and winds, was farmer's market day, where I get the best eggs in the world and various other exciting things.

Today it was heirloom tomatoes, heard of them, never had them, splurged on some.  Oh, was that worth it.  Just the smell when you take off the stem.  

I just handled them and sniffed for a while.  My mom used to say that if you took off a tomato stem and it smelled of mint, it was fresh.  These smelt of mint and ambrosia! 

I chose a few different colors, and lunch today involved one of the darker ones.  As well as mixed green salad from the same farm. 

You just don't need anything more.

The egg man was there, cheerful as ever.  And, because of all the bad news lately, I gave a donation to the Crisis Ministry, represented this morning and collecting both food and money to pass on.  Glad they gave me a little something to do.

And since my peacock jasmine is looking very sad up there in the bedroom, suddenly not feeling well, I found others at the market, never saw them before, so I got a new one, which I'll put in a different window and see how she goes.  This one already has growth and several flowers, so I'm hopeful.

And back home, I realized that the flowers I got last week from the market, while looking perfectly lovely, smelled perfectly awful. Like a monster rising from a swamp.  So I put them in an old glass vase, and set them up on the fence outside, in the planter box, where you can see them without being knocked down by the smell. Nothing personal, I assured them. 

That's them, with the sunflower in the middle of them.

And the burlap planter is doing okay, too.  

The marjoram is a lot bushier than it looks at the top, because it keeps trying to get behind the nasturtium in the next pocket down.  The bottom two, dill, only one of which is in the pic, look a bit sparse because I harvested them the other day for that salmon recipe, but it will grow back. So all in all, this is good, largely because the squirrels have shown no interest in interfering with it, amazing.

So that's today out and about.


  1. Your plate looks wonderful - made my mouth water!
    And you garden looks colorful and cheery. Mine is green, which is an accomplishment with the weather we've been having.
    I'd like to find some burlap bags for the goats, but I can't think where to look. What still comes in burlap bags? Coffee, maybe? The nearest coffee place is an hour away, but maybe someday I'll be down that way.
    Have a good weekend, Liz!

  2. Heirloom tomatoes -mmmm. Too early for tomatoes here yet. We have some growing on our balcony (regular, not heirloom) but aren't likely to have any fruit for at least a month yet.


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