Monday, July 28, 2014

Field and Fen actually does something related to fields and fens

Well, to the outdoors, anyway, involving a couple of experiments. A neighbor wanted a purple sage like the one I have out front, a very reliable garden denizen, fades totally over the winter, no sign of her, comes roaring back in spring, blooms for ages with lovely sage-smelling foliage and flowers.

So I thought, well, since most of my gardening disregards rules, why not take cuttings right this minute,  never mind if it's the wrong time, and try some in a pot out of doors near the parent plant, and some in pots indoors in a more sheltered environment.  So we'll see.

Then I thought it would be nice to take cuttings off the snake plant which is living with me over the summer to recuperate from apartment living the previous year. 

So I did that and you see them, too.  Possibly I'll have to move both the outdoor pots to a less sunny place for the moment, but that's another decision.

So, as I say, we'll see.  While I was at this, one neighbor snook some sad little aloes into my kitchen for intensive care, and I added them into the pot with my own to see if that would cheer them up, and another (neighbor, not aloe), asked me to take a look at various plants and trees on her patio and discuss their future care.  Fun.

Now I'm sure those blogistas with acres and crops and barns and animals will be looking with great indulgence on these tiny antics, but that's okay, too.  My two  inches of ivory, says she grandly.


  1. I'm sure all your plantings will thrive under your green-thumbed TLC. Lucky plants, methinks.

  2. I need you to revive my plants indoors. I'm absolutely hopeless with pot plants. I'm sure yours will thrive.

  3. Liz, this looks much like Russian sage that I have in great abundance here; it's strong, almost camphor like, and the bees love it.
    if its happy where it is, and you cut it back hard in early spring, it will require a garden hoop to restrain it from falling over on its neighbors come July and August. =)

  4. I have sage shrub, common sage, out back that I use for cooking. That stays year round.

    This sage, though, dies back totally every winter and doesn't start up again till about May. At that point I do put stakes around it to keep it upright, since the wind does a job on it. Yes, bees do love it, and since there's a nearby farm that has hives, I always hope I'm helping flavor the honey.

  5. Right up to the last bit, I was thinking, "Wow! I wish Boud lived nearby and could come and help all MY plants recover and thrive." Because a green thumb I ain't got!
    Then I got to the end and laughed and laughed. Because I have a couple of stony acres, and a new little barn in which I do far more daily housekeeping than in my actual house, and of course I have the gang o' goats. But gosh, I used to tell people NOT to give me plants, because despite my best efforts, it was effectively condemning them to a long, mysterious wasting illness and ultimate, reluctant death. So, indulgence? Hardly! :)
    (Also, I love Jane Austen.)


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