Tuesday, July 1, 2014

White Rabbits, July's Here, Hats Rule

The Dolliver hats are done, to their satisfaction, Call Me Michelle having seized on the preppy pink and green, and the others picked their faves.

So here they are, set up on their chaise, dressed for summer,cool drink at the ready, Elton serenading them into a summer of doing nothing or even less.


He rendered a few Good Old Summertime tunes, warming up for Friday's Fourth concert, Summertime played with great eloquence, Take me Out to the Ballpark (hat day, you know) and various noises he assured me were Beach Boy hits. Okay.  And he did fit in a  couple of choruses of O Canada in honor of dolls across the longest unguarded border celebrating their homeland

Nobody to tell the bears, now up to 21 strong about this hat deal. Some of them already have hats, but the others haven't grasped this yet, still getting used to their new surroundings.


  1. Keep a close eye on those bears, Boud. I shudder to think what would happen if I gave one - just one - of the goats a hat. ;)

  2. Nice. All hail hat day! You did a smashing job. Here is hoping Elvis doesn't let the rest of the bears in on what is going on.

  3. Definitely looking chic in their new hattage! I do hope Boud herself got a new fedora too.

  4. Nice hats - especially the pink and green one. Those are my sorority colors, so it is appropriate for her to wear them. She is now an honorary Alpha Kappa Alpha, the oldest Black women's sorority! :-)

    I love your whimsy!


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