Saturday, July 5, 2014

In the running for Good Housekeeping Badge of Merit

In the course of what started out a quiet then reached a crescendo morning, I started out baking.   Feeling a bit lonely and alone and rather than get all down, would make a batch of hot biscuits with walnuts, since I was, aside from lonely, out of bread.

Then since I was already in gear and in apron, went out to clip herbs, long overdue for use in pesto making, and cut some of every herb I grow.  On the way back in the screen door fell on me, twice, and I replaced it, getting it to stay after a while.

Back indoors, used the pizza wheel to chop the herbs, kitchen smelling lovely by now, and in the middle of this, a whole bunch of kids burst in, led by my friend whom they're visiting, family from India, to play with my cats.  

Missing their own cats at home, they urgently need this!  so Duncan found himself in the middle of a press conference, three cameras going at him at once, posing with various new friends, having a wonderful time with all the attention. I brought Marigold down from her hiding place to see them, and she allowed them to look, nothing more.

After they left, the chopping resumed, and the putting into containers for the freezer until I'm ready to make pesto, and the labeling and the putting away, which entailed emptying and reorganizing the freezer.  Here they are, posing with the batch of biscuits, minus the ones I had at lunch.

And the mail arrived bringing the spring tension rod I'd ordered in order to shirr two scarves onto it and use at the top of the kitchen window to block the afternoon sun from shining through the tabtops right into my eyes, via the passthrough, in the next room. 

This entailed searching the whole room, including an open drawer, for the nut that leaped out of the packaging and vanished.  Successful outcome, you see topper in place.

So now I'm putting in for my Gardening, Baking, Preserving, Handyperson, Interior Design  and Hostess badges from the Good Housekeeping people. 

Particularly requesting extra credit for having done all these in one morning.


  1. You did all that in one morning? There outta be a badge for whirling dervish too!

  2. They would be richly deserved Good Housekeeping badges too. I feel pretty good when I get all the linen changed, washed and on the line in a morning and perhaps a cake in the oven.

    Love the topper. Very bright and cheerful.

  3. A badge for daily wear, but also a sash for Special Occasions. And parades!

  4. Also you have my vote as Pesto Queen.

  5. You win! That is a lot to do in one morning and to my eyes you did it all very well. Which in the end if the real ticket, it is all well to start a lot of tasks in succession, finishing them all is where the real skill is at.


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