Monday, March 23, 2009

Portrait of a Survivor

Can you believe that this picture was taken this afternoon of HP on his last day in acute care rehab, before he ships out to another hospital for heart work, then to another rehab for more work?

After a month which included major surgery, heart attack, two cardiac collapses, insertion of a pacemaker, and a grand mal seizure, followed by many hours of skilled rehab.

He wanted me to take this pic to leave for his many doctors and physical therapists and nurses and attendants and assistants, as a thank you, to show them how well he's looking as a result of their care. Also to celebrate the shave his nurse gave him as a farewell present!

Can you spell indomitable? or maybe hero? still anxious about the outcome of the heart work, but yet brave and facing yet another adventure. Two days in the heart hospital, then back to Princeton for more rehab in another facility.

Stay tuned for more adventures from this incredible Scot!


  1. You have a fabulous guy there, Liz.

  2. Truly a beautiful photo if I've ever seen one. Bravo to you and your HP! Keep fighting.

  3. Ever onward! Wonderful pic, brave man. Brave Liz, too.

  4. Oh, Liz, how wonderful! Handsome Partner fits him perfectly - what a great smile - after going through so much. I'm thrilled to hear that he's doing so well; no doubt you have much to do with his determination and desire.
    You make a great team ... stay strong! Happy healing vibes aimed your way ...


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