Friday, December 14, 2018

Boud vs Squirrel update

As you see, the squirrels continue to get more than their fair share of the suet.

But they have been completely unable to steal the container, so birds are getting a look in. I'm calling this a draw.

That giant begonia I used as a hide to shoot from is the one I blogged about a while back, part of which I started from a single leaf stuck into potting soil then left alone. Now taller than I am.


  1. you have to admit, as exasperating the little oinkers are, they are also quite determinedly charming. I had occasion once to scare the bejabbers out of one just outside the door, stuffing his little face with birdseed, and totally oblivious to me standing there, watching.
    It was too good to pass up, so I reached out and just yanked his tail.

    STRAIGHT up the side of the building, a good 20 foot upward gallop, Im sure he never stopped until he hit his home tree...he also was very careful after that to not present his tail toward the door...

    It does look as if you have solved the problem of stolen feeders, and quite frankly I never want to see the squirrel that could carry that off...

  2. They are certainly smart. I just wish they'd use their powers for good! I chased one the other day with a fluffy duster thing, the long handled kind. He ran for the fence then sat watching in amazement this demented human!


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