Sunday, September 30, 2018

Rescue dinner becomes five star discovery

Do you like the clickbait? As it happens it's accurate. So yesterday I boiled the last two farm redskin potatoes,  to make German potato salad today. It felt tender enough while keeping its shape. But farm potatoes seem much denser than shop bought, maybe because fresh from the ground. And they turned out to cube up a treat, but taste underdone.

So I shoveled them into the fridge to think. They were already dressed with oil, vinegar and seasalt.

So for Sunday supper I thought I'd roast them, being partial to roast spuds and opposed to wasting food. And cubed up a fresh tomato, some Colby cheese, in a cast iron pan. I put the pan into the oven for the warming up period, so the food already sizzled when I tipped it all in, with a bit more salt and oil. 30 minutes at 400f. And it had a bit of fat left from cooking hot italian sausage. You don't always have to clean pans like a sterilizing process.

And it turned out excellent. In fact I think I'll put a dash of vinegar in future roast vegetables, really good touch. So, accidental art in the kitchen happened.

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