Monday, September 10, 2018

First casualty of Florence

Florence isn't even here yet but a couple of sturdy gusts of warning and my black cherry sapling snapped off. See the sad little stump. The top practically somersaulted over the fence. There are suckers which I'll leave in place and see how they go.

Back to square one of planning for shade out there.

 inside the fence
Outside the fence


  1. So sorry! Perhaps the graft was not a good one? We planted a plum this year--a gift from one of our sons--and the July/August heat and dry weather got it. I will plant another this fall. BEcause my son wants me to have a plum tree so by golly, I'll have a plum tree.

  2. It was grown from a whip, a native black cherry, from the nj forestry service, which you plant to support native wildlife. Black cherries are a bit frail in wind, probably do better in forested surroundings. But I was hoping it would be the replacement for my dear old native cherry decimated by Sandy and almost finished off in last winter's biggest wet snowstorm. New thinking needed.


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