Monday, February 5, 2018

Marigold memorial

The vet's office sent their condolence card, complete with pawprints, and signatures and wishes from everyone in the office. This was beautiful, and the pawprints just about did me in.

Not my usual style, but so lovingly done, who could resist.
Update on Duncan: he seems to be seizing the day and attaching himself to me at all times, being an only cat.  Eating just fine, too. So perhaps he's handling it okay.


  1. yep. it's the condolence cards that do me in, too. Ours don't have pawprints, but still it's a bit of a tug at the heart.

    Cats seem to have a much more matter of fact approach to life--and death--and to them, I think, gone is gone. That link with another cat is broken, and they continue on.

    Hug duncan for me. And hugs for you, Liz.

  2. I think the condolence cards are a pretty new thing - we got one when we lost Odin and it was a complete surprise. It's a nice gesture for them to do though even though it does tend to make us sad.


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