Saturday, December 24, 2016

Catnip Capers

'Twas the night before Kitmas
And all through the house
Not a quiet moment anywhere
Since the kits found their mouse

Told it was catnip, they mewed "We can dream
Go away! let us play!" 

As they tussled and swiped 

and made off with their swag
Until the mouse took on the look of a rag

At length, all blissed out, they called for a truce
Pawsed to thank Santa Kate
Then with no further mews

Both sank happily into a dormant and a little bit glassy eyed  state.

So kitties and Dollivers, Elton and Boud
Wish you and your family a catnippy mood!

Enjoy the holidays, be of good cheer
For the end of this poem is finally near...


  1. Merry Christmas, Liz, and cats, and Dollivers. Actually I enjoyed the poem, and the cats making catnip fools of themselves. And the Dollivers, all decked out in their Christmas duds. How charming they all look! =)

  2. Loved this!! May you and HS enjoy some human equivalent to catnip tomorrow - happy Christmas to you!

  3. Merry Christmas! Wishing you all the best of the Holidays and the New Year. Here is to another year of friendship, crafting and art. :)

  4. Yes to all that! Lovely morning here, bright sun making rainbows of my crystal beads in the tree, birds noshing busily on special apple suet cake, dinner in progress, Handsome Son expected soon. Many texts and messages.

    Can't ask for more.


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