Friday, February 12, 2010

Big Snows make Good Neighbors

View out onto the patio before the storm was completely over with.

View out front -- those white elephantine shapes have cars under them..

Or rather big snows give generous people the opportunity to plunge in and help. This blogpost is a paean of praise to our good neighbors, who the day after record breaking snow, close to two feet fell, helped get my car out without being asked.

Day after we'd been socked in, the doorbell rang while I was giving HP breakfast, a neighbor asking for my car keys and saying they were about to dig my car out! I looked out and there were Bill B., Fumiko B and three year old Ken B., all dressed, armed with snow shovels, and ready to get to work. They not only shoveled out the car all around and behind it, a huge labor, if you look at the pix I posted which were taken BEFORE all the snow finished falling, but then warmed it up, backed out and turned it facing outward. As Bill explained, in case you need to get out in a hurry, you can.

I had barely recovered from this generosity when I got a call from another neighbor who reported she'd sent her son (this is the young man who sits with HP twice a week to let me get out for a while) down the street with a shovel to dig me out and he'd reported, hey, it was done already, Mom! then when I got out to take out garbage which I had dug out from the snow on my porch, yet another neighbor said he'd got togged up to come out and dig my car, then found it was done. Do I live in a good place or what?

All these friends know our situation and are simply not waiting to be asked for help. They'd give it gladly if I asked, but I didn't need to. The last big snowstorm we had, another couple of neighbors stopped me from trying to dig, and said, no, stop, go in the house, we'll do it. And one of them stopped by later to get my car keys and move my car out of the way of the plow so they could clear out all the parking spaces.

HS couldn't help, since he was totally snowed in and digging out of his own home miles away during all this activity. He made sure we were okay, though.

See, this is why we don't live in a retirement community! neighbors half your age and willing and kind are irreplaceable. Not to mention interesting, since there's a huge range of ages, occupations, races, nationalities just in this little block. Musicians, IT guys, accountants, graduate students, ferret rescuers, from the US, Japan, China, India, heck even NEW YORK!!!

Anyway, we're blessed and I just thought I'd like to say so.

And on the subject of people who come through, I offer you the first of the pictures of the miniature needleworks you adopted.

This is courtesy of Hali D, who also sent a lovely image of the rest of that wall o' stuff, but for some reason I couldn't get it to come in here! nemmind, she did a wonderful job of getting the Tudor Rose pieces framed and I love it.

How's the Round Robin Journal coming? is it on its way to Ontario yet?


  1. It's a true testament to your neighbours...but also to what a good neighbour *you* must be if you've got people falling over themselves to help out. So pat yourself on the back after you finish patting them on their backs. :)

  2. I agree with Heather. Pat..Pat.
    No sign of Journal as yet.

  3. Great snow pics as usual Liz. Our Kiwi minds boggle even though we do get snow in parts of the country.

    I'm with Heather and Dogonart - "Ye reap what ye sow."



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