Time to report on the great outside world -- in the park where I walk, to be exact.
This is the first day that trees have leafed out officially, looking like actual trees rather than rough outlines of foliage. I love the winter shapes of trees, but when they bust out with leaves, that color is worth waiting for.
So Andy being all set up with his crosswords, safely ensconced in his big wheelchair at a table, radio on to a good program, afternoon snack over, etc., I nipped out for my mile to two mile walk, figuring that for a few minutes here or there he will be fine. And he was. I usually bring home digi pix to show him, so that he can have a bit of memory of where he used to walk. He likes to do this, which I probably wouldn't, but that's him and this is me! impossible to get him there nowadays, without a van chairlift dealie, so pictures have to do virtually what we can't in reality.
And on the paths, there are Bradford pear in full fling, flowering cherry everywhere, no need to go to the Tidal Basin to see them. Magnolias are over now, blown out by two hot days, but red azalea and white same which I don't like too much, but anyway they're doing their best, like people you don't like much but have to be fair about! and on the way home, right by the mailbox a nice group of iris planted by Japanese neighbors who have the most elegantly organized tiny front yard, with ordinary plants, sedum, iris, daylily, but arranged with a great eye.
Speaking of the great outside world,my current solo art exhibit, a retrospective covering about 25 years, has had a sale, yay. Oddly enough, one of the most recent works, and my first sale of yarn art, I'm so happy about this.
It's one of a series of masks, one created with various telephone wires and beads, one knotted and knitted from mason twine and copper wire, and this one, knitted with single length of yarn, designed as I went, using yarnovers and various other knitting ideas, in a kind of shield shape, ending in a massive Icord which curves back and around to show facial features, great fun to do. Hard to photograph with my current digi, but that hasn't stopped me up till now.
There is simply nothing more happy for a fine artist who never accepts commissions, never makes "art to sell" but out of her own inner drive exclusively, whether or not it finds kindred spirits, to have someone say, oh I want that piece enough to take it home and live with it! it's like drinking champagne, only better.