Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Welcome, friends! and since tomorrow is Thanksgiving in the US, I'm kneedeep in chestnuts for stuffing, turkey, various vegetables, and general preparation. Son and I do the meal together, partner enjoys it. It used to be three cooking, but now that only two of us are able to, two of us cook for three!

I love Thanksgiving largely because I didn't grow up with it, and it doesn't have any long memories, so we've been able to create it for ourselves. And there are no presents involved, always a welcome feature as far as I'm concerned, not being a big fan of big giving and getting! I like to give things at different times of year for different reasons.

So, from our little Thanksgiving to yours, happy day! and friends reading from other countries, just have a nice Thursday.


  1. And a happy day to you and yours. I am realizing that Thanksgiving is the favorite holiday to many people I love and admire ... a fact that gives me a connected sense of pleasure.

    (ps - how many sisters are in the picture? I can't remember - please don't tell me where they all are, just how many).

  2. Happy thanksgiving!! I love the blog!

  3. Delighted to see your blog Liz. Trying to figure out which sister is me!
    Happy Thanksgiving to you all

  4. Happy Thanksgiving, Liz!
    I love your new space :O)


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