Saturday, February 2, 2013

Stitch in Public Day! Stitchers Rule!

The first Saturday in February is the official national Embroiderers' Guild of America's Stitch in Public Day, when stitchers of all kinds explode on their communities with stitching, displays of finished work, and general encouragement to the public to come and watch and maybe decide to try their hands, and learn, or relearn, the art of embroidery. Today the Princeton Chapter of EGA went forth to preach and teach, and here we are, having a fine old time stitching and laughing and generally illustrating why we like doing this, and why you should all join us! Hospitality came from the Mary Jacobs Public Library of Rocky Hill, NJ, and their patrons who stopped by, admired, exclaimed, and maybe will join us at some time at our regular meetings. And here's us!

Well, there were more, and there was more work on display as the afternoon went on, but I got engrossed in talking and stitching and my photography kind of fell off a bit.


  1. Today was in fact a threefer: Stitch in Public Day, Groundhog Day and Candlemas. Just sayin.

  2. I love my fancy little horse - it sits proudly on my dresser. I see it every morning.


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