Thursday, September 5, 2019

Walking is happening again

Now that the weather is cooler, 70sf, I can get out and walk for my half hour daily meander. Everything feels better when I can get out without risking heatstroke.

Bit of gardening, deadheading, pulled an armload of daylily foliage, and observed, outside the fence, this hardy soul.

The pansies bloomed from April to August through all the heatwaves, undeterred, then when they finally wilted, I put the pot outside the fence for the winter. And now she seems to be saying hey, not so fast!

Brown butterflies around, too, I've forgotten what they are for the moment.

And a great half hour walk, mostly on grass, some sidewalk, past groups of families putting kids on the bus for their first day. New shoes, backpacks, grandparents, parents, dogs, everyone seeing them off.

Funny how for the rest of your life, September is about going back to school. Even when you are only an innocent bystander, which I'm happy to be. Not even teaching a workshop, despite strenuous efforts to get me to.  Just doing what I feel like.



  1. I found a feature on my phone I never noticed before, which tells me the butterflies are variegated fritillaries. Complete with identical pix, just to confirm it. So now we know.

  2. Walking here too, after so much walking in England. It feels good. I've been on some meds for a pasky infection I picked up over there, so gardening work is not happening much right now. Tomorrow is my last day of that nasty medicine that makes me feel sick and tired--hurray for the end of it!

  3. I read about your UK adventures, all the relatives, exciting time. But I imagine it's okay to be home again. Catching up with the garden.


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