Friday, August 31, 2018

Chocolate Kitty Duncan, aka Duncan 2003-2018

Duncan left us this morning after a paralytic stroke during the night. It was sudden but the vet agreed to euthanasia, since this was something there's no coming back from.

What a friend he was, constantly at my elbow and happy to greet visitors. Even Indian friends who were nervous around cats loved Duncan and were amused when he hunted their bare toes.

Thank you Duncan. You gave me so much more than I gave you.

The reason for his name: he always claimed to be a black cat. But when the sun shone through his fur, it was a lovely deep reddish brown.

He never really recovered from marigold's death. But I guess they've now resumed playing and fighting and wrestling.  Meanwhile the house is quiet. Firsy time in decades there's no animal underfoot.


  1. I'm so sorry Liz - it's so hard to lose a furry family member I know. Special thoughts to you right now.

  2. oh, Liz. I lost my black manx the same way, and it's so hard to deal with--at least he has a friend waiting on the bridge for him.

    They're so small, and yet they leave such a space when they go. Take care, Liz.

  3. I'm so appreciating the messages I've been getting all day. It really helps.thank you, everyone.

  4. So sorry for the loss of your little furry friend. We don't realize how much we depend on them being there for us until they things change. Had a good visit with Irene & MaryAnn at our ATC group this week.

  5. Sad to hear about Duncan. These little guys leave such a big hole don't they.
    Their spirit seems to stay behind though. Take care of yourself Liz.


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