Monday, February 10, 2014

Having your say

Up to now, I've rarely responded in the comments section of my blogs, largely because I feel as if I've had my say when I wrote the post, and that the comments are for readers to play in.  Like when people waiting to have their say on radio call in shows finally get on the air, I hate when the host keeps interrupting and challenging them, so I avoid that.

But it also occurs to me that a lot of bloggers nowadays do take part in the comments, and I wonder if that would be a welcome move to you, dear blogistas?  I don't like you to feel you commented and the commented landed on empty air, when in fact I devour and love comments of all kinds other than spam.

Would you please comment (!) and let me know?  


  1. I've gotten quite used to you not commenting back but on other blogs where the writer does, it develops into a conversation which can really be uplifting. If you feel moved to respond you should, if not no stress. :)

  2. I'm not worried either way. So many people are no-reply-bloggers which means you can't respond via email and to be honest I rarely go back to a blog I've commented on to see if there has been a response there. Usually if I can respond via email then I do but that of course doesn't get recorded on the blog.

  3. I *know* that you read the comments, and that's the important part for me!

  4. I'm with Annie in knowing that you read the comments and that's enough for me too. I rarely, if ever, go back to see if there's been a response to a comment I've made on a blog, so I know I wouldn't remember to look so you'd be wasting your breath (so to speak).

  5. Its your blog. You should decide. I do frequently look back at your blog to see comments and when you have made a comment from time to time, I have enjoyed it. That said, I don't follow very many blogs so don't begrudge the time and, of course, you're my sister so I have to keep and eye on things. Heh!

  6. I love comments, and i cannot not comment if there's a reason to--but everyone is different. As dogonart said, its your blog. If you feel like commenting, please do, and if you don't thats cool too. Its all good, either way.


Please read the comments before yours and see if your question is already answered!