I was determined to walk today, because my spirits get very low when I don't, and recently what with ice and Helen, it's been too risky.
Anyway, sunshine today
What they call a moderate wind and I call a bitter blast, but I really needed to get out.
As soon as I stepped outside, the adventure began. My door locked itself behind me. I don't take my keys when I walk, no need.
There's a snap lock for the cleaning family, they can lock without using a key, when they leave, and the other lock which needs a key. I never use the snap lock, but it evidently had got turned inside the door to the locking position. Oh.
Then I remembered my emergency keys in an undisclosed location. Requiring a climb up. I usually use the stepladder stored in there, but the last user had returned it with the steps facing the wall. I can't lift and turn it to get at the step I need to reach the keys. Oh, again.
Then Carol Cane saved the day -- reached up, hooked the keys onto the handle, bingo. Managed to unlock the door, stiff, unused key, and then had to return them to the UL.
I couldn't reverse the hooking idea but found an unopened paint can to stand on, juuuuuust reached the hook. All fine now.
And when I finally made it out, it was beautiful.
Bitter cold wind but I was insulated, remnants of light snow yesterday.
Down there on the right I found a small cinder block in the trees which I carried home for yet another item to prop up the lavender container. Did I mention it's on a slope? Now there's an assortment of bricks, rocks and other items trying to keep it in place. We'll see.
So I counted this as a series of successes. Small, but you take them where you find them.
And the landscape at home, speaking of fridge magnets, here's the max stuff I have on my fridge, long past the days of Handsome Son's artwork!
You'll notice apples and potatoes feature here, I wonder why.
Here's a Portuguese take by cartoonist Zez Vaz, on our current situation. He's at zezvaz.com
Happy day everyone, small stuff is okay, life's made of small stuff.
Now more than ever.