Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Self care and other thoughts

 Meredith Constant, wise lady

I read this in her latest substack this morning, and like it a lot. Right now I need to attend to the Great Me and let others do some active resistance. Just for a few days anyway. 

I'm feeling more optimistic today, and my home visiting physio is here this afternoon, fitted me in very quickly. It will be a reunion, as well as an initial visit. It occurs to me that he might be helpful about post operative homecare ideas, too. 

Back when HP was living, I occasionally hired Emil the PTs students -- he's a professor at the state University -- to sit with HP and give me a break. I might pursue that and have a bit of help with laundry, etc.  Emil vouched for them, so I didn't need to worry.

When we did this before, the students were able also to use the hours towards their credentials, as observation and experience in a homebound patient's home. So maybe that will work, as experience with post operative activities. We'll see.

Also yesterday what with one thing and another, I was tired and in pain. Today little pain, so better spirits.  The two definitely go together. And no, I'm not following news at all for the moment, even in blogs, so bear with me if I scroll on by.

Happy day, everyone, thank you for your concern and good wishes, and let's hang in together.

Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Some good things are happening, anyway

For sceptics about the usefulness of pressure on our elected officials, here's yesterday's success in the Senate

An anti-trans piece of legislation was defeated in the Senate. It was a cloture vote requiring 60 votes. Bottom line: despite having passed narrowly in the House, it won't go forward now.  I sent thanks to my senators for their votes.

When  this came up in the House, two Democrats voted against it. In the Senate they were solid.

Thank you for all the  encouraging comments yesterday about Helen. I'm concerned about aftercare, living alone in a house with stairs, and I'm figuring out how to plan and deal with those couple of weeks.

I also rethought the physical therapy approach. Instead of driving three times a week to a pt office, very tiring, I'm arranging for a wonderful home visiting physio, who attended HP in his last years and was very effective.  We're in the middle of setting this up.

Meanwhile back at the ranch, I spoke with the PO and the carrier who said definitely the rx was put on the step as always. The scan will show it.

So I made a police report because it may be necessary before a replacement rx can happen. And messages to the Rx people and doctor's office. 

I did get to the knitting group, see pictures, very nice time, too distracted to recount the many topics we went over, but here's what was happening 

And Textiles and Tea was shortened for me by the arrival of officer Bolognese to take the report about the vanished rx, and get the details.

Anyway here's what I got, the creator the Nettle Dress, the subject of the documentary

I'm feeling the strain of all this happening. 

But, it's March 4, so let's do that 

I think most of us are marching forth already, but Mooch the cat has a point.

Happy day everyone, hoping yours was less eventful than mine.

Monday, March 3, 2025

Gloves done, what's next?

Here's the latest for the Sock 'n Glove Ministry, cosy gloves 

from the same yarn as the cosy socks. 

So the outcome or upshot of the ortho doctor is that the hip is now bone on bone, the cartilage is all worn away, and the most likely decision is a joint replacement. Meanwhile I'm getting a shot next week and have a physical therapy appointment set up.

The doctor did say improvement is very unlikely given the state of my union, joint, that is.  So I'm considering getting the shot for some immediate relief, bagging the pt and getting set for the joint replacement.

Now I need to study what it's all about. Another reason not to delay, it occurs to me,  is to get it done while Medicare is still in working order.

Handsome Son was wonderful, and will be helpful. I don't want to impose, because he's so willing.

So there we are.  Evidently on the brink of another adventure, an unexpected one.

Happy day everyone, because you never know!

Sunday, March 2, 2025

Knit for calm, and stresses.

This was yesterday's output as I listened to an Agatha Christie espionage audiobook 

Glove one of the current pair for the knitting ministry.

And at this age when you get a call from someone you haven't been in touch with for years, you know ahead of time it's because yet another old friend has gone. Yesterday about noon I got the call. I let it go to voicemail, not feeling strong enough for a conversation.

Turned out H, from the embroiderers' guild, had died a month ago, they'd forgotten to let me know -- no local notices because she'd moved away -- but there was a memorial service in two hours' time, could I make it.  

I also received an email asking if I had any pictures from when I ran the embroiderers' guild blog, to send. So I picked this holiday party pic I'd taken in 2013, with the person front and center, wearing blue.

If the recipient could print it out and add it to the display, I thought people might enjoy picking out friends, and themselves, from a while ago, since the event was about memories. I don't do events like this memorial in person, especially in flu season, but I did my bit. And the members tend to stay many years, so I expect those who made it to the event will have been in the picture.

Tomorrow I see the orthopedic doctor, and handsome Son is kindly driving me, for which I'm thankful. He had to rearrange his week, which meant his manager had to reorganize the shift schedule, which meant that someone else had to accommodate the change, too, quite an upheaval, for which I sent my thanks.  I'm very nervous about this appointment and needed some support.

The Miss Austen TV miniseries was so good, sad, but so well acted, all the stresses of women forced into dependency shown and dealt with. The main characters, particularly Isabella and her sisters, were brilliantly acted. It's definitely a must see. Women trying to make a life from meager resources and opportunities, despite their great talents. It's all so familiar.

Yesterday's cute winter boots: I messaged my senators and Rep asking them to run online Town Halls instead of attending the SOTU (State of the Union, official address by current president to full Congress and supreme court justices). 

There's disagreement about this idea, but I think it's better not to give the dictator an audience.  The tradition is to run the event live on all broadcast media, no need for my elected officials to be seen there, too, by the watching public. 

Happy day everyone. I'm trying to find good ideas and thoughts, but today's a struggle. Especially since the USPS tracker claims my vital rx was delivered to my step yesterday. It's not there, nor in the mailbox. Nor on the steps right and left of mine. I wonder if it's been left on the wrong step. I've screenshot the tracker report and I guess I'll ask tomorrow at the po.  

Saturday, March 1, 2025

White Rabbits, Happy St David's Day

 Let's breathe today and enjoy a little.

Edith Holden's Country Diary of an Edwardian Lady.

The daffodil and the leek are Welsh symbols for the day, dating back centuries. I'm a multiBrit by birth, grandparents from all four nations. English Irish Scottish Welsh. In alphabetical order, in case you wondered. So I get to celebrate everything. Just sayin.

For a lovely cheering few minutes, join Ant White on YouTube as he builds a hedgehog house

Here's the concrete bunny for White Rabbits

And another old friend, both seen on today's walk

I'm trying, I'm trying.

Cheese is the answer to a lot of questions.

Thank you President Zelenskyy


Friday, February 28, 2025

Share, don't buy! But catch Miss Austen

 Current viewing

A BBC 2024 production, mostly in retrospect, with Cassandra Austen, Jane's surviving sister, as the main character. It's well acted and produced, worth a look. Found free on YouTube.

Today's about refraining from buying, and rather giving and sharing.

Here's today's offering on Freecycle 

Late edit: now pending pickup 

Then something you may not have realized about Air BNB 

And then there's always nature. She gives and shares all the time.

Thursday, February 27, 2025

Misfits, snowdrops, daffodils -- Spring!

This morning I saw a Carolina wren again, definitely looking for a new nest location, and I hope she chooses my patio. And suddenly a crowd of robins, running around and pecking and being very welcome, singing in the trees.

We have year-round robins (!) then in spring as suddenly as if a commuter train arrived, they're everywhere. 

Daffodils are starting 

And snowdrops.

Yesterday I had a full house. Handsome Son was here, making short work of a pot of tea and sugar cookies, when Gary and another old friend showed up. 

She was delivering my birthday and Christmas presents, a little late but who's counting. Especially when it's hand dipped nuts, cookies and pretzels 

Wonderful afternoon of chat -- I was friends with both of her now-deceased sisters -- and Handsome Son met her for the first time.  

They're pretty much his friends now, by inheritance. This is all good for his future after I've gone, though they don't like me to talk that way.  The chocolate treats will be shared around. Handsome Son accepted some to take home.

Misfits box stages

Last week's insulated bag and ice block, ready for  pick up when the Misfits driver brings this week's groceries.

While waiting for delivery, I finished the current socks 

I'm doing gloves next.

And here's Jeff, bang on time, arriving, taking the pickup and delivering the box, then on to his next customer.

I now have a lifetime supply of flour, what with absent-mindedly forgetting I'd stocked up on whole-wheat, which I'd put in the big freezer, and that I'd already ordered ap recently. So here's to many loaves to come.

And the Tony's treat was on its way before I knew chocolate treats would arrive yesterday. Not a big complaint though. 

Walnuts for scones and other purposes, cannellini beans for both the beans and the aqua faba. I used to drain it off, not liking the texture till I found out how valuable it is. No more draining.

Berries with yogurt, apples for midmorning snack. Done. Week all set up. I'll also shop in the freezer for mushrooms and green veggies.

The box is now broken down for the recycle.

But happy day everyone, we're not broken down, far from it. 

Today's cute winter boots: the Heritage Foundation, that sinkhole of fake stories harassing good people, have issued a questionnaire about the effectiveness of DOGGY. 

I really enjoyed filling it out with answers (multiple choice) they won't like. Then they end with a fundraiser! 

And here's a positive side to add to tomorrow's Blackout 

It's the giving economy, as described in Serviceberry by Robin Wall Kimmerer, in action.